Talk: Where the monks trod

Between 2009 and 2023 Jenny Hall and Paul Sambrook of Trysor undertook a series of upland archaeological field surveys in the Elenydd hills, which include lands formerly included within the upland granges of the Cistercian abbey at Strata Florida. The surveys have identified archaeological features which range from prehistory to the 20th century, charting the archaeology of the monastic landowner on the hills, including evidence of communication routes, the huts and houses occupied by herdsmen and structures built to manage animals and store foodstuffs. This talk will begin to outline the story of life on the Elenydd during the medieval period and its links to Abbey Cwmhir and other properties in the wider region.

Jenny Hall MCIfA and Paul Sambrook MCIfA founded Trysor in 2004. Jenny had previous experience as an archaeological excavator and also as a manager of a regional archaeological record. Paul had previous experience as an archaeological fieldworker specialising in upland survey work in central and west Wales. Since 2004 Trysor has undertaken many projects in community, interpretative and commercial archaeology in Wales and the Borders. Trysor is a Registered Organisation with the Chartered Institute for Archaeologists.

A recording of this talk is available here.


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liza tomos
9 months ago

Will this talk be recorded for those unable to attend? Thanks

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