Prof Huw Pryce – Llywelyn ap Gruffudd, Prince of Wales: His rise and fall

On-line talk 12th December

Llywelyn ap Gruffudd, Prince of Wales: His Rise and Fall

by Prof. Huw Pryce


Huw Pryce is Professor Emeritus of Welsh History at Bangor University and an Honorary Professor at Cardiff University. He has published extensively on the history of medieval Wales, including an edition of the charters and letters of the Welsh princes, The Acts of Welsh Rulers 1120–1283 (University of Wales Press, 2005). Over the last decade his research has focused mainly on the historiography of Wales, the subject of his most recent book, Writing Welsh History: From the Early Middle Ages to the Twenty-First Century (Oxford University Press, 2022).

In 1267 Llywelyn ap Gruffudd was the first Welsh ruler to be recognized by the English crown as Prince of Wales. Yet on 11 December 1282 the prince was killed in the war that culminated in Edward I’s conquest of Wales. This lecture looks at how Llywelyn rose to power and why his success was so short-lived.

To hear a recording of this talk click here

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