On-line talk: Will Davies – Conserving Tintern Abbey

This talk will explore the opening years of Cadw’s major research-led conservation works to the great 13th century church of Tintern Abbey, one of Britain’s most celebrated and instantly recognisable medieval monuments. Will Davies, Inspector of Ancient Monuments for Cadw will guide us through Tintern’s long conservation history, explain the range of challenges that it presents and the complex and painstaking efforts of Cadw’s diverse team of specialists to address them. Supporting and informing the repairs to the building and the decision making process is an equally ambitious programme of surveys, documentary research, building analysis, archaeological excavations and recording, which is providing significant new information and a comprehensive record for future researchers and conservators.

Will Davies, MA, FSA is a native of Newport and has been an inspector of ancient monuments for Cadw since 2010 following a career in commercial archaeology. He presently covers south-east and mid Wales but his overriding interests are castles and medieval buildings and usually manages to get involved in projects affecting these outside of this area.

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A minimum donation of £1 is required to book your ticket. The money raised by this talk will contribute towards Abbey Cwmhir Heritage Trust’s fund raising to allow further research of the Abbey and its environment


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