On-line talk: Findings from Cwmffwrn Excavation

An update on the excavations of an earthwork house platform undertaken at Cwmffwrn over the past two years, what we’ve learnt and what remains unanswered.

Jenny Hall MCIfA and Paul Sambrook MCIfA founded Trysor in 2004. Jenny had previous experience as an archaeological excavator and also as a manager of a regional archaeological record. Paul had previous experience as an archaeological fieldworker specialising in upland survey work in central and west Wales. Since 2004 Trysor has undertaken many projects in community, interpretative and commercial archaeology in Wales and the Borders. Trysor is a Registered Organisation with the Chartered Institute for Archaeologists

A minimum donation of £1 is required to book your ticket.

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The money raised by this talk will contribute towards Abbey Cwmhir Heritage Trust’s fund raising to allow further research of the Abbey and its environment.


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